Wade Boggs

  1984 FLEER                                630     
  1986 FLEER                                341   
  1988 FLEER ALL-STARS                        8     
  1990 LEAF                                  51     
  1991 UPPER DECK                           546    
  1992 DONRUSS DIAMOND KINGS                  9     
  1992 STUDIO HERITAGE                        3    2
  1992 ULTRA                                311    4
  1992 UPPER DECK TED WILLIAMS BEST           1    2
  1994 DONRUSS SPECIAL EDITION               36     
  1994 LEAF                                 257     
  1994 PINNACLE                              31     
  1994 UPPER DECK                           112    2
  1995 PINNACLE                              47    2
  1995 SP                                   180     
  1996 FINEST                               301     
  1996 LEAF PREFERRED                        67     
  1996 STADIUM CLUB                          96    2
  1996 ZENITH                                58     
  1997 BOWMAN CHROME                         44     
  1997 DONRUSS                              405     
  1997 DONRUSS ELITE                         47     
  1997 FLAIR SHOWCASE ROW 2                 163     
  1997 LEAF                                 380       

Jose Canseco

1989 Fleer All-Stars  21
1989 Upper Deck Standard  6591
1990 Leaf Standard  1081
1991 Studio Standard  1011
1992 Fleer Ultra  1101
1993 Fleer Flair  2781
1994 Leaf Standard  2491
1994 Pinnacle Standard  3063
1994 Upper Deck Standard  1402
1995 Pinnacle Standard  491
1995 Upper Deck Standard  1581
1996 Bowman Standard  231
1996 Leaf Preferred  861
1996 Topps Finest  2211
1996 Topps Stadium Club  2231
1997 Bowman Best  721
1997 Bowman Standard  2541
1997 Donruss Elite  521
1997 Donruss Standard  2772
1997 Donruss Studio  352
1997 Fleer Flair Showcase (Grace) 1091
1997 Leaf Standard  2061
1998 Bowman Chrome  2771
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars 603
1998 Pacific Paramount 1101
1998 Topps Finest 261
1998 Topps Stars 891
1998 Topps Stars Silver 891
1998 Upper Deck SP Authentic 1931
1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated 831
1999 Pacific Prism 1463
1999 SkyBox Thunder 221
1999 Topps Chrome 801
1999 Topps Chrome Refractors 801
1999 Topps Finest 2311
1999 Topps Stadium Club 321
1999 Topps Standard 801
1999 Topps Stars 311
1999 Topps Stars Two Star 311
1999 Upper Deck Century Legends 691
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 121
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 471
1999 Upper Deck SP Authentic 841
1999 Upper Deck SP Authentic Home Run Cronicle HR71
2000 Topps Chrome All-Topps Team Ref A201
2000 Topps Chrome Power Players P91
2000 Topps Gold Label Class 1 871
2000 Upper Deck Pros & Prospects 111
2000 Upper Deck SP Authentic 91
2000 Upper Deck SPx 331
2001 Upper Deck Sweet Spot Game Used Bats J 1

Fred McGriff

1990 Leaf Standard  1322
1992 Fleer Ultra  2822
1992 Score Standard  71
1993 Upper Deck Clutch Performers 151
1993 Upper Deck SP  601
1994 Leaf Standard  3451
1994 Pinnacle Standard  3841
1995 Pinnacle Standard  121
1995 Pinnacle Standard  2761
1995 Upper Deck SP  301
1995 Upper Deck SP Platinum Power 41
1995 Upper Deck Standard  1081
1995 Upper Deck Standard  452
1996 Leaf Preferred  621
1996 Leaf Preferred Leaf Steel 271
1996 Pinnacle Zenith  102
1997 Bowman Best  941
1997 Bowman Chrome  841
1997 Donruss Elite  441
1997 Donruss Standard  4402
1997 Donruss Studio  811
1997 Pinnacle Certified  81
1997 Topps Finest B1862
1998 Bowman Best  341
1998 Bowman Chrome  2601
1998 Donruss Standard  641
1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated 951
1999 Topps Finest  2172
1999 Topps Stadium Club  631
1999 Topps Standard  1391
2000 Stadium Club Series 1 371
2000 Upper Deck Black Diamond 851
2000 Upper Deck Pros & Prospects 121

Travis Lee

1997 Bowman Best 1871
1998 Bowman Standard 2921
1998 Donruss Standard 3341
1998 Fleer Flair Wave Of The Future 11
1998 Leaf Rookies and Stars 1391
1998 Pacific Paramount 1231
1998 Topps Stars 852
1999 Bowman Chrome 171
1999 Fleer Flair Showcase Row 2 111
1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated 1591
1999 Fleer Sports Illustrated 211
1999 Pacific Prism 81
1999 Pacific Prism Holographic Purple 81
1999 Topps Chrome 251
1999 Topps Chrome 4571
1999 Topps Chrome New Breed 51
1999 Topps Finest 1771
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Black 841
1999 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold 841
1999 Topps Standard 4573
1999 Topps Stars One Star 391
1999 Upper Deck Challengers for 70 371
1999 Upper Deck Ionix 31
1999 Upper Deck Ionix Hyper 171
1999 Upper Deck Ovation 371
1999 Upper Deck SP Authentic 41

Paul Sorrento

1992 Topps Stadium Club 7071
1992 Topps Standard 5461
1993 Upper Deck SP 1261
1994 Leaf Standard 3611
1994 Upper Deck Standard 3631
1995 Pinnacle Standard 841
1996 Pinnacle Standard 681
1996 Topps Finest 2131
1998 Pacific Omega 2341
1998 Pacific Paramount 1001
1998 Topps Standard 1111
1999 SkyBox Thunder 902

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